


advantage of MRI

advantage of MRI

MRI MACHINE has many advantages which are given one by one-

1. MRI SCAN is a non-invasive procedure ie there is no tearing.

2. MRI SCAN does not use electromagnetic radiation like X-ray is an ionizing radiation that can cause cancer. MRI uses magnetic field which is not harmful to the human body at all.

advantage of MRI

3. The contrast agent used during an MRI is less likely to cause an allergic reaction. While iodine-based substances are used for X-rays and scans, they are more prone to allergic reactions.

4. MRI gives extremely clear, detailed images of the soft tissue structure that other imaging techniques cannot achieve and has the best contrast resolution.

5. By this, images can be taken from any plane (axial, saggital and coronal plane) in any direction of the body part, for which the position of the patient does not have to be changed repeatedly.

6. Very good images can be taken without the use of contrast media without some angiographic examination.

7. Modern diffusion, spectroscopy and perfusion techniques demonstrate tissue characteristics.

8. The active parts of bars can be studied by functional MRI.