


preparation of patient for IVP

intra venous pylography in radiology

Excretion Urography or  IVP processor is used to visualize urinary tracts. Iodinated contrast media is injected intravenously into the body. Iodine of high atomic number increases the subject contrast by absorbing x-rays. Before the IVP procedure, the patient needs to make some preparations to see good results of the procedure and can cause several reactions such as allergies to the iodinated contrast media, which can also lead to death.

The patient should inform his doctor about any medication he is taking and if there is any allergy, especially from iodine-containing contrast media, and also about recent illnesses or other medical conditions. The doctor should be informed.

intra venous pylography in radiology

preparation of patient

  • Before the procedure, instructions are given in detail to the patient by the doctor, which the patient has to follow. 
  • The patient is not allowed to eat or drink anything after midnight on the first night of procedure. 
  • The patient may be asked to take a mild laxative (either in pill or liquid form) the evening before the procedure.
  • The patient should remain ambulant for a little over 2 hours before the procedure so that the bowel gas is reduced. 
  • The patient is asked to take off some of his clothes and wear a gown during the procedure. The patient may therefore be asked to remove jewelry, removable dental medical equipment, eye glasses and any metal objects or clothing that may impair the X-ray image.
  • Women should always inform their physician and X-ray technologist if there is a possibility that they are pregnant. Many imaging tests are not performed during pregnancy so that the fetus is not exposed to radiation. If an X-ray is required, care will be taken to reduce the radiation risk to the child.  
  • If the patient has already had a severe reaction to the contrast media, then the patient is given methyl prednisolone 32mg orally 12 hours before the procedure and 2 hours before the injection and it is ensured that LOCM CONTRAST MEDIA will be used.