


ALARA principle

ALARA principle

ALARA PRINCIPLE is a radiation protection principle , which describes how radiation can be protected. This is the  fundamental principal of radiation protection .

According to this rule, when ionizing radiation is used on a human, animal or material, the radiation should be as low as practicable. 

ALARA principle

The ALARA radiation protection principal is based on reduction of radiation dose and prevention of radioactive substances emissions into the atmosphere by all appropriate means ( by reasonable methos ). ALARA is not just a radiation protection principal but is a regulatory requirement for all radiation protection programs. The ALARA  concept is an integral part of all activities that involve the use of radiation or radioactive materials and can also help prevent the risk of unnecessary radiation exposure or over exposure. Time, Distance and Shielding are the three principal principals that help ALARA to maintain dose maintenance. 


      Radiation dose can be directly worked by reducing the time of exposure. The absorbed dose increases with time and the absorbed dose decreases with decreasing time. Radiation dose can be reduced by reducing the time of radiation exposure.


     Radiation is an electromagnetic radiation, so it follows the inverse square law. Therefore, as the radiation source of the patient increases, the amount of radiation dose falling on the patient will decrease. By doubling the distance between the patient and radiation source, the amount of exposure becomes 1/4. 


Shielding of lead and lead equivalent material is an effective way to protect against x-ray and gamma ray radiation. Lead aprons, mobile lead shields, lead glasses, and lead barriers etc. are various types of equipment used in shielding. It is necessary to use these shielding materials while working in the radiation area.