


Compton effect

Compton effect

In the Compton effect , the photon interacts with the free electron of the atom and gives it only some of its energy as orbit (E b ) and Kinetic Energy (K) . Incidnet photon with the remaining {Energy H𝒗 - (E B + E K )} goes in a different direction and the other atom interaction is.

Compton effect
Compton effect

This Compton electron  and Scattered photon are two products. Atomic number Z has no effect on the Compton Effect . So body in high and Low Atomic Number Maetrial position Compton effect is the same .
Therefore , in the case of cobalt gamma rays and high energy X-rays (4MV to 20MV) , energy absorption is mainly from the compton process . This Supervoltage Radiation has an advantage over Orthovoltage Radiation . As the energy increases, the energy absorption decreases due to the Compton effect , and it is proportional to 1 / E.