


bio medical waste management rules

 Safe disposal of biomedical waste is now a legal requirement in India. The Biomedical Waste and Handling Rules-1998, was notified by the Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF) under the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986.

Central Government GSR 343 (E) published on March 28, 2016, Bio-Medical Waste Management Rules, 2016.


According to these rules, it is the duty of every "occupier" (a person who controls the institution or its premises) to ensure that all waste is taken to prevent any adverse effects on human health and the environment. It consists of six schedules. Which includes the following-

Schedule I:-

It defines the categories of biomedical waste.

bmw schedule I

Schedule II:-

In this, the color coding and type of the container to store the biomedical waste is described.

Biomedical waste schedule II

Schedule III: -

Bio-Medical Waste Containers / Bags Label.

Biomedical waste management schedule III

Schedule IV:-

The label to be prepared for transport is described.

year ………… Month ………… ....... day …………

Date of generation ……………… …………………………

Waste category No …… ..

Waste class

Waste description

Send used Name & Address Receiver’s Name & Address

Telex No… ..........…… Telex No …………………

Phone No… ................... Phone No …… .......... ………

Contact Person …… …………………………………………. ..... Contact Person ………

Fax No …………… ....... Fax No ……… ……… …… ..

In case of emergency please contact Name & Address:

Phone no.

Note: Label shall be non-washable and prominently visible.

Schedule V:-

Schedule for Waste Treatment Facilities like Incinerator / Autoclave / Microwave System.10 (Source- The Bio Medical Waste (Management and Handling) Rules, 1998).

Schedule VI:-

Standards for Treatment and Disposal of Bio-Medical Wastes Standards For Incinerators